THRIVE Week 2024

News & Events 3/06/2024

Thrive Week – Senior School Term 2 Week 10 – Thursday 4th July and Friday 5th July 

The Senior School is very excited to be offering our young people the opportunity to engage in Thrive Week.

Thrive will be held in Week 10 of Term 2, Thursday 4th July and Friday 5th July.

The goals for Thrive Week are for our young people to:

  • Feel more confident in making career decisions, in particular in regards to training and employment options.
  • Have created their Career Action Plan which can be used in Term 3 to inform and support decisions during the Term 3 Subject Selection Process.
  • To have multiple opportunities to explore their aspirations through access to industry panels, interactive workshops and a career expo.

On these two days we will not be running normal lessons, instead we have organised for a range of Tertiary Institutions and training providers to present and work with our young people.

View the THRIVE Week Program

Thrive Week Guests Include:

Industry panels:

Superstars of STEM (applied STEM careers) Friday only.

Superstars of STEM (Science/Medical STEM careers) Friday only.

Trades – MasNational, Born2Build, Civil Train.

Creative Industries/Arts – AIE, UniSA.

Health Services – ANMEC, Minda, Uni of Adelaide Medical School.

IT & Cybersecurity – Cisco Talos, Uni of Adelaide.

Future energy – SAVPP Tesla, University of Adelaide.

Music & Performing Arts– University of Adelaide.


Information sessions:

Thriving at University – Year 10-12 information session. Panel representing – UniSA, University of Adelaide, Flinders University, Tabor College.

Thriving in Apprenticeships – Year 10-12 information session. Delivered by MEGT.

Thriving in VET – Year 10 information session. Delivered by DfE Student Pathways and Careers.

Compulsory SATAC session for Year 12s

Medical pathways – Year 10-12 information session. Delivered by Flinders University.

Exercise and sports science presentation – Year 10-12 information session. Delivered by UniSA.

Careers in Engineering – UniSA.

Think like a Gamer – UniSA.

Future Jobs presentation – University of Adelaide.

Defence pathways – Year 10-12 information session. Delivered by ADF Careers.

Camp America/Canada session for Year 12s.


Interactive Workshops:

Creative Industries – AIE.

Early Childhood Education and Care – MADEC.

Automotive – MTA.

Criminology – Flinders University.

Allied Health.


VR/AR demo – Flinders University.

Psychology: Dream well, live well – UniSA.

Business, Hospitality, Tourism – ICHM/CHTS.

Primary and Secondary Education – UniSA.

Engineering – University of Adelaide.

Music/Performing Arts – University of Adelaide.

Law – University of Adelaide.

Bioscience – University of Adelaide.

Aqualibrium – Superstars of STEM.

Chemical Engineering Challenge – Superstars of STEM.


Year 10 and 11

Over the two days students will engage in the following:

  • Industry Panels
  • Information Sessions
  • Interactive Workshops
  • Career Expo to be held in the Senior Study Centre

Year 10 and 11 students will nominate 4 industry panels/information sessions and 4 interactive workshops to attend.


Year 12 

Thursday 4th July will be offsite engaging in a “retreat day”

Friday 5th July a SATAC presentation will be held – Year 12 students will also have the opportunity to engage in the Career Expo, attend Information Sessions and Interactive Workshops.

Year 12 students will nominate 2 industry panels/information session and 1 interactive workshop that they wish to participate in on Friday 5th July.

Year 12 students also have the opportunity to book in for a 1:1 appointment with the universities and TAFE.


All senior school students were provided with information regarding Thrive Week at a Year Level assembly held in Week 5.

Students with the support of their HG teacher will begin registering their interest in Thrive Week session in Week 6.

The Senior School is very excited to be able to offer these amazing opportunities to our young people.

Please note that we will not be able to offer these opportunities on other days during the school year. We therefore seek your support in ensuring that your young person attends and makes the most of these wonderful learning opportunities.

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