Sport Opportunities

Zone Sport

Zone Sport is a great opportunity to meet new friends, try a new sport and have fun. Follow the steps below to see what sports are on offer for Term 3 and Term 4.

By completing this form, students are agreeing to commit to a team for the duration of the season (Term 3, Week 7 – Term 4, Week 6).

Students need to ensure that they have parent/caregiver approval and are aware of the details (day of match and cost) before submitting.

1. Click on the nomination link
2. Enter required information – Full name, year level, nominated sport(s)
3. Click Submit
4. If sufficient student interest is received, nominating students will be contacted via email once nominations close.

Nominations close on Friday 9th August 2024 (Term 3, Week 3)

If you have any questions regarding the process or the sports on offer, please email

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