Student Leadership Induction Day

News & Events 2/03/2023

On Thursday Week 3, our 86 student leaders came together for the Student Leadership Induction Day, where they spent time working on a range of leadership, reflection and planning activities. This included developing a purpose statement for their team, activities to learn about group dynamics and how to work effectively to achieve their goals and planning activities to maximise their impact for the year ahead.

We were also so excited to welcome back old scholars and leaders Mike Doan (2021), Izzy Conner (2021), Sami Madlur (2020), Hattie Nguyen (2021) and Nate Hardie (2022) for a Q&A session where they shared insights, experience and advice based on their time as leaders at BSS.

We are looking forward to seeing the positive change and legacy our students leave in 2023 and are already so impressed with their enthusiasm and ideas! You can read some student feedback and their teams’ purpose statements below.

“Today was an excellent opportunity to foster positive leadership as well as encouraging interconnectedness among other leadership groups.”

“It was really nice to be able to meet and get to know the other Music Captains. They are such a great group to work with and all have a really good attitude!”

“Today allowed for teams to grow together, learn more about one another, and produce and develop ideas.”

“It was great to talk and collaborate with the other student leaders, and being able to plan events for further in the year”

“Today was a good hard working day which bonded most of the leaders together, one of the things I enjoyed the most was filming the video”

“This was a memorable day, and I enjoyed working with my fellow house leaders and leaders throughout the school, my highlight was filming with my team mates and I am looking forward to the rest of the year.”


Student Leadership Team Purpose Statement
Prefects To collaboratively represent both staff and student vice while upholding our ASPIRE values to improve student connectedness and leave a lasting legacy
Volleyball Captains To demonstrate the values and culture of the SIV program on court and in the wider community
Music Captains To be supportive role models and a channel of student voice while innovating and coordinating events
Student Wellbeing Leaders To make a difference by creating a culture of belonging, inclusivity and positive wellbeing for all students at BSS and for them to be their best selves
Middle School Leaders Being role models for the Middle School by supporting, creating an impact, promoting inclusivity and being the voice of others
Tarnta House Captains As Tarnta House Captains, we strive to build connectedness, inclusivity, and house culture, and to guide others within our house
Tantutiti House Captains To build, demonstrate and support student involvement in house activities and opportunities within the community while promoting our school values
Mirnu House Captains To build culture, connectedness and participation, not only in Mirnu, but across the school community, as well as building good relationships with other leadership teams and teachers
Yarlu House Captains To foster a sense of connectedness across all year levels, through demonstrating our team values of Dedication, Responsibility, and Courage
Karrkala House Captains We strive to make a community of people that feel they belong and to give them the opportunity to be confident in themselves, while guiding people towards their own successes
Wilya House Captains To encourage house spirit and culture through role modelling the school values and organising and promoting events, and to leave a lasting positive impact on Wilya by building house culture


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