Year 11 Semester 1 Exams

News & Events 1/06/2023

Year 11 subject exams begin on Friday 16 June and conclude Friday 23 June. Please note, during this time all scheduled year 11 classes will run as normal. Students are expected to attend all normal subject lessons when they do not have an exam scheduled.

Exam Timetable, Year 11 (Semester 1, 2023)

Exam Expectations, Year 11 (Semester 1, 2023)

Families are asked to please support their young person to maintain their attendance. The examinations may constitute only a small percentage of the assessment weighting for each subject; however, this does not reduce their importance in the development of senior school study skills in readiness for year 12.

It is important that students are implementing “best practices” for exams, by ensuring that they plan their time as advised by subject teachers.

Exam Preparation

All year 11 students will attend a compulsory assembly on Friday 9 June, to learn about expectations and examination requirements.

Danni O’Connor, our school’s Clinical Psychologist, will support students and home group teachers with resources and activities through the home group program, including exam preparation and how to manage the mental load.

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