Senior School Update

News & Events 3/06/2024

Term 2 commenced with our Week 1 Welcome Assemblies.

At our Welcome Assemblies we reflected on our achievements of Term 1 and our young people were reminded of our focus for all students to Brighton Secondary to achieve their SACE.

The following information was provided to all students in the Senior School at these assemblies:

  • Our Student Wellbeing Leaders shared information about the Wellbeing and Engagement Collection Survey, and in particular the process and how the information is used.
  • The Prefect team reflected on Term 1 events and presented information regarding what was happening in Term 2.
  • Thrive week information was shared by Ms. Alana Probert our Career and Pathways Leader.
  • Students were reminded of the importance of how they represent themselves and the school as a member of the Brighton Community.

The following was emphasised for each year level:

Year 12

  • To achieve the SACE students must pass three Stage 2 subjects.
  • The importance of working in partnership with teachers.
  • We revisited some of the advice from the class of 2023, this included:
    • Believe in yourself.
    • Always prioritise your mental and physical health.
    • Utilise your teachers as much as you can, their feedback can improve the quality of your works.
    • Our Year 12 students were reminded of the need to look after themselves as the weather gets colder, exercise and be mindful of their diet and how they spend their spare time.

Year 11

  • All Stage 1 subjects conclude at the end of this term. At this time student results for each subject are sent to the SACE.
  • Year 11 students must pass English, Maths and Research Project. This is not a Brighton Secondary rule, this is SACE expectations.
  • Students who are not on track with any of their subjects were encouraged to take control of their journey and work hard.
  • Students will be required to stay back at the end of the year to complete the work to ensure they enter Year 12 having passed all compulsory parts of the SACE.
  • Year 11 Exams were discussed.

  Year 10

  • Year 10 Students must pass the subject Exploring Identities and Futures.
  • As this is a SACE subject, the study habits students develop whilst completing this subject ensure they are ready for the requirements of Year 11.
  • Students were encouraged to care about their work, do their best, hand all tasks up and work in partnership with their teachers.
  • In Term 3, students will be asked to select subjects for Year 11. It is important to be able to successfully complete the Year 10 subjects that students wish to study in Year 11.


Year 11 Semester 1 Exams

Please note information regarding exams has already been sent to Year 11 families – a summary is below:

Year 11 Semester 1 exams will be held in Week 8 of Term 2, Monday 17 June until Friday 21 June.

The exams provide young people with the opportunity to familiarise themselves with the protocols regarding exams.

Our young people will also be supported to develop their own techniques for both preparing for and completing exams.

Key information:


Monday 17 June until Friday 21 June, a timetable will be emailed to students and families early this term.


Locations for each exam will appear on the timetable, generally the venue will be the library.


Year 11 lessons will run as normal for the week. We are running exams for subjects which have an exam at Year 12. There are a range of subjects which do not include an exam and for this reason we will run lessons as normal.

Prior to the exams Year 11 students will attend an exam assembly where they will be provided with key information regarding the week.

Danni O’Connor, School Psychologist, will provide guidance in regards to evidence based exam techniques.  These will form part of the Home Group Program for Term 2.

Attendance at the exams is crucial and we are seeking your support in ensuring that your young person attends and makes the most of this learning opportunity.



With the cooler months approaching we seek your support in ensuring that your young person is coming to school in the appropriate school uniform.

Please refer to the Uniform Policy for further information.

Wearing the correct school uniform helps our young people to develop a sense of belonging at school but importantly helps to keep the site safe. Being able to clearly identify our students from visitors is very important.


Availability of the Senior School Study Centre

Our Year 11 and 12 students can access the Study Centre at the following times:

Before School from 8:30am – Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.

Please note the centre is not available on Wednesday mornings.

After school until 4:30pm – Monday – Thursday.

The study centre is closed Friday afternoons.

Our young people are encouraged to access the Study Centre to complete study with both your peers and teachers.


We look forward to continuing to work in partnership with families as we work together to support our young people to reach their goal of achieving their SACE and planning their pathway.

Kind Regards

Janine MsSporran

Head of Senior School

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