Principal’s Message

News & Events 9/03/2023

Dear Families

Welcome to our second e-news family update for 2023.

As you can see from the Key Dates, Term 1 at Brighton Secondary School will continue to provide rich and varied opportunities for students, with events such as the Year 12 Formal and Sports Day fast approaching.

We recently held acquaintance evenings for families of middle and senior school students that were very well attended. The evenings provided a range of information from key personnel, including our our school’s Clinical Psychologist, Danni O’Connor. Some of the resources shared at these events are available in the Middle School and Senior School sections of this update.

We continue to have a strong focus on supporting the wellbeing of our students, through our middle school and senior school wellbeing teams and a range of home group and targeted programs for our young people. A recent initiative we encourage you to access is Bright Psych, a podcast created by Danni O’Connor, which outlines strategies to assist with a variety of issues relating to wellbeing, mental health and learning.

Fostering student leadership is also a key priority at Brighton Secondary School. Our recent Student Leadership Induction Day involved our student leadership teams reflecting on what leadership involves, hearing from past BSS student leaders and working together to develop purpose statements and plans for the year. For more information, please refer to the School Life section of this update.

We are keen to provide greater opportunities for parents and caregivers to access ‘live’ information about students’ progress in their studies and, to this end, we are exploring how this might be achieved using our learner management system, Daymap. More information will be provided in the coming weeks about access to continuous assessment, which will enable families to monitor progress and support students more effectively.

As we have outlined in earlier correspondence, the state government has mandated a ban on mobile phones in secondary schools across South Australia to be implemented during the first half of this year. More information about this policy and our approach to implementation is contained in this update. There is also advice about healthy use of mobile phones in the Wellbeing section, including how you can work on building good habits and practices at home. We have scheduled a parent information evening on Tuesday 4 April, to provide further advice and support for families.

We look forward to continuing to work in partnership with you during 2023.

Kind regards

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