Principal’s Message

News & Events 18/10/2022

Welcome to our first school community e-news update, the Brighton Brief.

We are committed to strengthening our communication with families and our intention with our new update is to keep you better informed about what’s happening in our school and further enhance our partnership.

We would like the update to serve a range of purposes and provide our school community with:

  • information about upcoming events and key dates
  • insights into key programs and initiatives
  • resources for families.

The format will provide a ‘headline’ with a summary of the article to follow, so you can navigate your way to the sections that are particularly relevant to you.

We welcome feedback and suggestions on both the format and content of the update, and these can be sent to our Marketing and Promotions Manager, Leeanne Storr at

Term 4 is always a hectic term.

We will be conducting exams in the senior school and farewelling our Year 12s who will be completing their time as Brighton Secondary School students. At the other end of the spectrum, we will be engaging in a range of transition activities for around 300 students joining us as Year 7s in 2023.

Planning for next year’s timetable is well underway, based on course selections undertaken earlier this term, and year level teams will be working to ensure smooth transitions for all students to their next year level.

A variety of trips, camps, excursions and performances are also planned for the term, which add richness to our students’ experience of life at BSS, along with the myriad of clubs and activities on offer.

The refurbishment of the senior school study centre is progressing well, and we are scheduled for it to be available to our year 11s and 12s from the beginning of next year.

I hope you and your family are well and look forward to working together this term.




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