Middle School Update

News & Events 3/06/2024

The Middle School has been a hive of activity in the first half of Term 2!

Year 7 students have participated in a successful excursion to the Centre of Democracy and Adelaide Museum to support their studies in HASS & Science and excitement is building about our much-anticipated Ancient Greek Day at the end of the term.

Year 8 and 9 students will soon start finalising their studies in their semester electives, and have been focusing on healthy relationships and consent in the Wellio Programme during Home Group Sessions.

In the last couple of weeks, your young person may have been spoken to about being in incorrect uniform and you may have seen a uniform records on DayMap. Wearing the correct uniform is a way of identifying and connecting as a Brighton Secondary School student but is also an important way to keep young people safe in particular learning spaces in our school such as Home Ec, Tech and Science, as well as helping to identify potential intruders on site. Some of the common uniform concerns at the moment in the Middle School have included the wearing of non-leather shoes, wearing tracksuit pants when students do not have PE and non-school outerwear such as puffer jackets and hoodies.  We ask all parents to check any uniform records for their young person and support them to wear the uniform correctly.  If there are any questions or queries about the correct uniform, please contact your young person’s Home Group Teacher or Year Level Leader for support.

Our Middle School students are heavily involved in the wide range of co-curriculur clubs and activities and events at our school. A number of Middle School students were involved in the successful Generations in Jazz trip to Mount Gambier recently, as well as a range of Knockout and Zone Sports. Art Club is always a supportive and exciting space to be each lunch time and it’s great to see so many Middle School students belting out tunes and dance moves at Forum Friday Karaoke each Friday lunchtime in Tarni Warra. If your young person isn’t involved in any clubs or activities, it is a great way to make new connections with students. Information about theses offerings are on display around the school as well as promoted through DayMap and Home Group.

We have a fantastic Wellbeing team in the Middle School; our Wellbeing for Learning Leader Lucinda Yates and Youth Workers Brandon O’Reilly and Jack Swinfield. They work tirelessly to support Middle School students and the current Sekseed Program is a great example of this. Run by Sam Ghamrawi, Sekseed supports young people with their relationships and connections to others. Sam is an engaging workshop facilitator and students involved in this program enjoy his messages of positivity, accountability and the range of strategies he supports them with. This is just one of the targeted programs our Middle School Wellbeing Team facilitate to support our Middle School students.  If you had concerns about your young person’s wellbeing, please reach out to their Home Group teacher or Year Level Leader to seek support.

The Middle School Team look forward to continuing working with you to support your young person.

Carly Brooks

Head of Middle School

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