Middle School Update

News & Events 3/05/2024

Welcome back to Term 2!

In Term 2, we look forward to Welcome Back and House Assemblies, Winter Choral Concert, Musical Showcase, Zone and Knock Out sports, excursions and lots, lots more.

I strongly encourage Middle School students to become involved in school life through our wide range of clubs, sports and activities.  Joining a club or activity is a great way to make new connections and develop new skills and interests.

Parent-Student-Teacher Conversations

Another important event this term is the Parent-Student-Teacher Conversations in Week 2.  These online conversations are a great opportunity to meet your young person’s teachers and discuss their progress. Information about these conversations and how to book was sent to all families on 12 April.

SAPOL – ThinkUKnow Parent Presentation
Being online and using social media is a popular way for young people to connect and communicate however it has dangers.  ThinkUKnow is a seminar about safe online practices and preventing online child exploitation. Year 7 Students will participate in this presentation early this term and a parent/carer information session will also be hosted at Brighton Secondary School for interested parents across all year levels.  If you have a young person using social media platforms, I strongly encourage you to attend this session which is very informative.

Register your attendance here

I wish all students and families a successful term.

Warm regards,

Carly Brooks

Middle School Leader

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