Head of Senior School Welcome

News & Events 3/03/2023
Janine McSporran

It is with pleasure that I formally welcome you to the 2023 school year.

A special welcome to our Year 10 families who are joining the Senior School.

The Senior School Team, together with your young person’s HG teacher are available to support you and your young person.

The opening of our Senior School Study Centre has been an exciting way to begin 2023. Our 2023 Prefects have led tours of the centre for all senior school students. All students in the Senior School can access the Senior School Team and the student reception area in the Study Centre. We very much look forward to seeing the centre being used for young people to work collaboratively with their peers and teachers.

Year Level Updates

Our Year 10 students have begun 2023 navigating a new device and meeting the challenges this new device presents.  It has been impressive to see their willingness to embrace the new technology.

In Week 5, Hayley Reid, Leader of Pathways. VET presented information to our year 10 cohort about Work Experience and VET opportunities. Hayley explained the process the young people are required to follow to organize and commence Work experience and the connection work experience has to VET applications.

Our Year 11 students commenced the school year spending their study lines in the library, however as the term has progressed, we have been able to transition most Year 11 study times into the Study centre.

Year 11 students will have the opportunity to apply for Home Study later this term.

In addition, our Year 11 students have begun to plan the Laneway activities for Sports day, this is always a highlight of the day for many of our young people.

Our Year 12 students are well into their studies, given that the school year is so short for our year 12 students it has been great to see them engaging in their learning.

The first delivery of Year 12 uniform; polos and jumpers have been distributed to students, they look fantastic and clearly identify our senior students.

Full preparations are underway for our formal to be held on Friday 17 March at the Stamford Grand, Glenelg. We look forward to celebrating this important occasion with the class of 2023.

The Senior School Team looks forward to working with you to support your young person throughout the 2023 school year.


Senior School Study Centre

It has been wonderful to see our Senior Students utilising our refurbished Study Centre. The Study Centre includes a Senior School reception area, where our Senior School students can sign in and out. In addition, all Year 12s have new lockers, located in the Study Centre. The space is designed to provide our Year 11 and 12 students with an area to study both independently and in study groups.

The Study Centre is open to our Year 11 and 12 students for study purposes both after school and before school at the following times:

Before School from 8.30am:

  • Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday
  • Please note, the Study Centre is not available to students Wednesday morning

After school:

  • Monday – Thursday until 4.30pm

The final touches to the Study Centre are currently being made by the builders and we look forward to being able to make further facilities available to students soon.  These include additional study spaces on the stage area and toilets.

Senior School Acquaintance Evening

It was pleasing to see so many of our Senior School families attend the Senior School Acquaintance evening, held on Wednesday 22 February.

The content of the evening included:

  • Janine McSporran, Head of Senior School, introduced the Senior School Team and outlined the roles of members within her team
  • Karen Jones, Wellbeing for Learning Leader in the Senior School, outlined our wellbeing programs and processes
  • Danni O’Connor, Brighton Secondary School Psychologist spoke about evidence-based approaches to successful study skills

Copies of the handouts provided by our school Psychologist, Danni O’Connor at the Acquaintance Evening can be found below for your information:

At the conclusion of the evening, families were invited to tour the refurbished Senior Study Centre. This also allowed for more informal connections to be made with families and the BSS Senior School Team.

As a school, we look forward to providing further opportunities for connections to be made with our Senior School families.


Janine McSporran

Head of Senior School

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