Head of Middle School Welcome

News & Events 3/03/2023
Casey Freeman

I would like to extend a warm welcome to the 2023 school year to all our middle school families. A special welcome to new families to the Brighton Secondary School community, including those of our new Year 7 students.

It was great to see all our middle school students return in Week 1 and spend time with their home group teachers, setting themselves up for the term and year ahead.


Year Level Updates

Our Year 7 students were involved in a range of transition activities during this first week to get to know their new peers, learn more about the school and begin to find their way around to their various classrooms. Our Year 7 teachers have been extremely impressed with the way our new students have settled into secondary school and taken advantage of the range of extra-curricular opportunities available to them. The Year 7 Challenge Cup was an excellent day of teamwork and sportsmanship and allowed our Year 7s to further connect with their new House. Congratulations to 702 Tarnta for winning the cup for 2023.

The Year 8 students have also had a productive start to the year which has seen them take the next step in their middle school journey. This has seen them meet new home group teachers, spend more lessons in the main buildings of the school and experience new subjects. It was great to see our Year 8 students enjoy their Challenge Cup day with students experiencing traditional Athletics events as well as opportunities such as rock climbing and beach volleyball. Congratulations to 801 Tantutiti for their victory on the day.

Our Year 9 cohort has begun their year as the leader of the middle school, which has included the selection of the Middle School Leaders team for 2023. Congratulations to the students listed below who have begun working as a team and with the middle school teachers on providing student voice for middle school students and opportunities to improve our school.

Jasmine W, Jett N, Riya K, Ebony W, Taylor A, Jonah B, Noah G, Mathilda T, Angel V, Ruby B, Sage W, Youssef B.

Middle School Acquaintance Evenings

Thank you to all of the families able to make it to our Acquaintance Evenings. We hope that the information shared by our staff was valuable. Connection with families is important as our students move through the middle years of schooling and we look forward to providing further opportunities to share and collaborate with you on your child’s learning.

Copies of the handouts provided by our school Psychologist, Danni O’Connor, at the Year 8/9 Acquaintance Evening, can be found below for your information:


Casey Freeman

Head of Middle School

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