Drug & Alcohol Education

News & Events 29/09/2022

At Brighton Secondary School, we are taking proactive steps to educate our young people about the risks and consequences of alcohol, vaping and other drugs. As part of our school’s purpose of fostering active and informed citizens, we approach drug and alcohol education with a harm minimisation approach. Through our home group program, we encourage young people to look after themselves and their friends to reduce and prevent alcohol and other drug-related harm among young people.

In the second half of 2022, students have been or will be involved in a range of presentations as part of our home group program. The links below provide a range of resources that could support young people and their families in preventing alcohol and drug related harm, or understanding more about drugs and alcohol.

Parents and caregivers are invited to join us for live seminar on Wednesday 19 October here at school, to support the Encounter Youth sessions that students will be involved in:

Alcohol & Parties: A Parent’s Guide

Wednesday 19 October, 6.00pm – 7.30pm

Brighton Performing Arts Centre Theatre

Topics include:
✅ Talking with young people about alcohol
✅ Parenting strategies for alcohol and parties
✅ Positively influencing young people’s choices

Click here to RSVP


Encounter Youth – Empower Education (all year levels)

In Week 1, Term 4, all year levels will attend a 75-minute presentation from Encounter Youth. Their program, Empower Education aims to alert, inform, and empower young people to bring about safer, more meaningful celebration. They adopt a harm minimisation approach and encourage students to ‘look after themselves and their mates’ and aim to reduce and prevent alcohol and other drug-related harm among young people.

There are a range of Encounter Youth parent resources on their website, including specific parent information about Schoolies.


Sammy D Foundation (Year 11)

Year 11 students attended the Sammy D Foundation presentation on Wednesday Week 10.

The Sammy D Foundation educates young people on the impacts of bullying, violence drug and alcohol misuse. By providing relevant age-appropriate information, knowledge and tools, the Sammy D Foundation empowers young people to make positive life decisions for a better community.

We encourage you to access the Sammy D Foundation resources, including:

  • Your guide to planning a safer party
  • Drugs Facts
  • Standard Drink Guide


Paul Dillon – DARTA (Year 10, 11 and 12)

In Week 6 of Term 3, our Senior School students attended presentations by Paul Dillon. Paul is the Director and Founder of Drug and Alcohol Research and Training Australia (DARTA), which aims to provide education and training expertise as well as high quality research assistance on a wide range of alcohol and other drug issues. Each year Paul presents education sessions to hundreds of school communities right across Australia. He is passionate about ensuring that the community has access to accurate and up-to-date alcohol and other drug information.

DARTA and Paul Dillon provide a range of resources to support young people to understand risks and support families to have conversations about these topics:

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