Year 8 Curriculum

All learning in the Middle School at Brighton Secondary School is based on the Australian Curriculum. As a Year 8 student, you are encouraged to explore your interests and talents, build on and identify passions, and discover new opportunities.

Course Outline - General Selection and Think Bright

In year 8 you will study a full year of English, Humanities and Social Sciences, Mathematics, and Science, as well as one semester of HPE.

You will study at least one Arts and one Technologies subject and have the choice to continue learning the language (French or Japanese) that you studied in Year 7.

Year 8 Think Bright students need to select the F1 in Schools subject.

Your pattern of subjects is shown below, with each full row representing a full year subject and each half row representing a semester subject.

Course Outline - General Selection and Think Bright



Year 8 Special Interest Music (SIM)

In Year 8 Special Interest Music you will study a full year of English, Humanities and Social Sciences, Mathematics, Science and one semester of Health and Physical Education.

The Arts and Technologies curriculum is incorporated into the program.

You will continue with the language you studied in Year 7 for one semester – choose French or Japanese.

Course Outline - Special Interest Music (SIM)

Year 8 Special Interest Volleyball (SIV)

In Year 8 Special Interest Volleyball you will study a full year of English, Humanities and Social Sciences, Mathematics, and Science subjects.

The Health and Physical Education curriculum is incorporated into the program. This extra semester of HPE takes the place of one choice subject.

You will need to select Art and Technology options and/or continue to study French or Japanese.

Course Outline - Special Interest Volleyball (SIV)

Year 8 Elective Subjects

Art Electives

Visual Arts: 

Art for Our Life 

In Art for Our Life, you will be introduced to the fundamental skills and processes of artmaking (practical work) and responding (talking and writing about art). We will explore themes of the 'self' incorporating personal interests and experiences.

You will develop your artistic journey through folios and final products (both 2d and 3d) and reflective practitioner’s statements.

Art in Our World

In Art in Our World, you will explore the role that art plays in our world linked to cultures and societies. This will include exploring cultural artefacts, traditions and methods used by different societies.

You will learn to develop your ideas and skills through folios, 2d and 3d final products and reflective practitioner's statements.


Performing Arts: 

Drama - Performance

In Drama - Performance, you will explore performance techniques through drama games and activities. You will create characters and learn how to improvise to develop original plays. We will experiment with film techniques and collaborate to create a short film. You will learn about the history of theatre and the magic of storytelling.

Drama - Musical Theatre

How do musical theatre performers integrate acting, singing and dancing all at once!? Musical Theatre is an incredibly popular artform because of the elaborate designs, socially progressive plots, and highly skilled performers. We will collaborate to learn these skills and create original musical theatre performances. We will view Musical Theatre shows and integrate these skills into our own performance work. The semester will culminate in a public performance for families and friends.

Core Music (required for SIM)

In Core Music, you will have the opportunity to play in a class band, string ensemble or percussion ensemble. You will have access to free instrumental music lessons every week to support your learning. Instruments can be hired from the school so there is no need to own an instrument. Choosing Core Music will also allow you to participate in the many co-curricular ensembles and choirs available before school, at lunchtime and after school. Core Music students are also eligible for the incredible local and international music tours.

Technology Electives

Design Technologies 

You will create designed solutions incorporating responses to the challenge of sustainability. You will create and adapt design ideas, make decisions and justify your choices to different audiences using relevant technical terms. You will need to apply project management skills and document your production and reflections throughout.

Digital Technologies

Yuu will delve into solving real-life problems using computers by breaking them down into smaller parts and creating solutions. Writing and testing these solutions in a special computer language (coding) will be part of the learning process, alongside mastering the art of explaining ideas through diagrams and instructions. Additionally, you'll explore working with data, collecting, organizing, and analyzing information using spreadsheets and databases.

Utilising creativity, techniques like mind mapping and role-playing will be employed to design user experiences and solutions, with thorough testing and improvements to meet user needs. The curriculum also emphasises project planning and management, empowering you to work independently and collaboratively. Overall, the course offers a valuable opportunity to gain expertise in computers, problem-solving, data analysis, and online safety.

Food and Product Design 

You will have the opportunity to explore the world of cooking firsthand, engaging in interactive kitchen sessions to grasp the fundamentals of safety, hygiene, nutrition, and the art of creating delicious dishes. Additionally, in the sewing component you will delve into the design cycle and acquire foundational skills in hand sewing, fostering the ability to innovate and create with confidence.



In Year 8 French you will build upon your understanding of the beautiful French language and culture. In particular, you will learn how to communicate in French about yourself and your family, your daily routine and school life in more depth. You will also learn about animals and New Caledonia and how to speak about locations and give directions. You will also have the chance to plan your dream to trip to a French region.


In Year 8 Japanese you will continue to build upon your understanding of the fascinating Japanese language and culture. As you continue to develop your working knowledge of the Japanese writing scripts, you will also learn to communicate in Japanese about your busy life, school life and your hobbies in more depth. You will also have the chance to learn about Japanese modern and traditional school events, festivals and celebrations.

Physical Education

Physical Education: Movement and Performance

Physical Education is an elective subject designed for students who are genuinely interested and highly motivated to excel in a diverse range of sports and activities. These individuals are committed to developing their sporting skills and maintaining a physically active lifestyle. The primary focus of this course is on honing students' skills, expanding their knowledge, and enhancing their understanding of each sport. Additionally, students will have the opportunity to analyse their movement and performance in order to foster continuous improvement.

This elective serves as a foundational pathway leading into senior school Physical Education. Course topics cover a diverse range of sports, including invasion sports, net and wall sports, and striking and fielding sports.

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