School Calendar

Term 1, 2024


Mon 29 Year 7 & 12 start Term 1
Tue 30 Year 8 – Year 11 start Term 1


Tue 6 New Music families evening
Thu 8 Swimming Carnival
Thu 8 School Photos
Mon 12 Year 7 Acquaintance Evening
Tue 13 School Photo Catch Up
Wed 14 Student Leaders Induction Day
Mon 19 Middle School Acquaintance Evening
Wed 21 Senior School Acquaintance Evening
Tue 27 Year 8 Challenge Cup
Thu 29 Year 7 Challenge Cup


Thu 7 Open Day/Night
Sat 9 – Mon 8 Apr Ramadan
Mon 11 Public Holiday – Adelaide Cup
Mon 11 Special Interest Volleyball and Think Bright Applications Open
Tue 12 – Fri 15 Toydai-Himeji High School Study Tour
Tue 12 – Fri 15 FI in Schools National Finals
Wed 13 – Mon 25 NAPLAN Testing window
Wed 13 Music Parents Support Group Committee AGM
7pm – Brighton Concert Hall
Thu 14 Aboriginal Education Family Evening
Fri 15 Year 12 Formal (12.50pm dismissal for Year 12 students only)
Mon 18 – Fri 22 Harmony Week
Mon 18 Governing Council Meeting (6.30pm)
Fri 22 Sports Day
Mon 25 Special Interest Volleyball Applications Close
Thu 28 Student Free Day
Fri 29 Good Friday Public Holiday


Mon 1 Easter Monday Public Holiday
Wed 3 Special Interest Volleyball – Out of Zone Fitness Trial
Fri 5 Interschool Athletics
Mon 8 Think Bright Applications Close
Thu 11 Special Interest Volleyball – Out of Zone Skill Trial
Fri 12 Last Day of Term 1, 2.30pm dismissal

Term 2, 2024


Mon 29 First day of Term 2
Tue 30 Special Interest Music Applications Close
Tue 30 Special Interest Volleyball – In Zone Fitness Trial


Wed 1 Think Bright Challenge Activity (Invitation Only)
Fri 3 Generations in Jazz event
Mon 6 Special Interest Volleyball – In Zone Skills Trial
Tue 7 Special Interest Music – Shortlisting Workshop
Thu 9 Student Free Day
Thu 9 Parent-Student-Teacher Conversations
Thu 9 Think Bright Interviews (Invitation Only)
Mon 13 Governing Council Meeting (6.30pm)
Mon 13 Special Interest Volleyball – Out of Zone Interviews (Invitation Only)
Wed 15 – Thu 16 Special Interest Music Interviews
Wed 15 Senior School – Wellbeing and Engagement Collection (WEC) Survey
Mon 20 Special Interest Programs Offers Sent (all programs)
Tue 21 Senior School Study Skills Expo
Wed 22 Middle School – Wellbeing and Engagement Collection (WEC) Survey
Thu 23 ThinkUKnow Parent Information Session
Fri 24 National Sorry Day
Mon 27 – 3 June National Reconciliation Week
Mon 27 Special Interest Volleyball – Year 7 Challenge Day
Tue 28 Winter Choral Concert
Wed 29 Stage 2 Health & Wellbeing Expo
Fri 31 Japan Study Tour Parent Information Session


Mon 3 Mabo Day
Wed 5 Stage 2 Health & Wellbeing Expo
Thu 6 – Fri 7 Year 12 Drama Production
Fri 7 Student Free Day
Mon 10 Kings Birthday Public Holiday
Mon 10 – Fri 14 Men’s Health Week
Mon 17 – Fri 21 Stage 1 Exams
Mon 17 Governing Council Meeting (6.30pm)
Sat 22 Symphony by the Sea event
Wed 26 Year 12 Pyjama Day


Mon 1 – Fri 5 NAIDOC Week
Thu 4- Fri 5 Year 10 – Year 12 THRIVE Week
Wed 3 Student Free Day
Fri 5 Last Day of Term 2, 2.30pm dismissal

Last Day of Semester One

Term 3, 2024


Mon 22 First day of Term 3
Mon 29-Fri 2 Stage 2 Exams (all week)
Tue 30 Year 7 Immunisation (Group 1)


Mon 5 Governing Council Meeting (6:30pm)
Tue 6 Year 7 Immunisation (Group 2)
12 Aug – 16 Aug National Science Week
Thu 15 – Sun 18 State Volleyball Schools Cup
Fri 16 National Day of Action Against Bullying and Violence
Tue 20 Year 10 Immunisation (Group 1)
Tue 27 Year 10 Immunisation (Group 2)
Wed 28 Student Free Day
Wed 28 Parent-Student-Teacher Conversations
Fri 30 Year 7-11 Subject Selections due
Fri 30 Wear it Purple Day
Fri 30 Music Spectacular – Junior


Tue 3 Year 10 Immunisation (Group 3)
Tue 3 Music Spectacular – Senior
Thu 5 Student Free Day
Thu 5 Staff Professional Learning Day
Fri 6 School Closure Day
Mon 9 Governing Council Meeting (6:30pm)
Wed 11 Encounter Youth – Year 7
Thu 12 Encounter Youth – Year 8
Thu 12 RUOK Day
Fri 20 Retro Day
Mon 23 – Fri 27 Japan Study Tour (all week)
Tue 24 Street Smart High (Year 10)
Wed 25 Year 8 Play in a Day
Fri 27 Last Day of Term 3 – early dismissal at 2:30pm

Term 4, 2024


Mon 14 First Day of Term 4
Thu 17 Special Interest Volleyball Ekiden Relay
Thu 24 Year 12 – last day of lessons
Fri 25 Year 12 Breakfast
Mon 28 Governing Council Meeting (6:30pm)
Mon 28 – Tue 29 Learner Profile Conversations


Mon 4 – Fri 15 Stage 2 Exams
Tue 5 Year 10 Immunisations (Groups 1 & 2)
Mon 11 Remembrance Day
Tue 12 Aboriginal Learner Family Evening
Tue 19 Year 6 Parent Information Evening
Wed 20 Year 8 Encounter Youth
Thu 21 Year 10 Drama
Thu 21 – Tue 26 Year 11 Exams
Thu 21 Transition Day – Aboriginal Learners
Tue 26 Year 12 Valedictory
Thu 28 Year 10 – Last day of lessons


Mon 2 – Fri 6 Regional Music Tour
Mon 2 Governing Council Meeting
Wed 4 2025 New Starters School Tour
Fri 6 Statewide Transition Day
Mon 9 – Fri 13 Australian Volleyball Schools Cup
Wed 11 Year 9 last day of lessons
Thu 12 – Fri 13 Moving Up Days (7-8, 8-9, 9-10)
Fri 13 Final Day of School
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