Continuous assessment information

News & Events 11/04/2023

Over the past several months, we have undertaken a review of our Assessment and Reporting Policy to ensure that we continue to provide students and families with relevant and useful assessment information.

Following consultation with staff and Governing Council, we have decided to implement a more contemporary approach to communicating student achievement and progress which provides students, families, and school teams with continuous assessment information via Daymap. We recently shared the details of this change with parents at an Information Evening.

What does this mean for you?

From now on, student achievement will be published on Daymap in a continuous and interactive manner via the Assessment tab in the Student and Parent Portals. As students submit assessment tasks and receive grades and feedback, this information will be progressively added and visible in Daymap. By the end of this term, students can expect at least one summative task result to be published in Daymap per subject. Many staff have also published formative assessment information, depending on the nature of the subject.

This ‘live’ assessment summary will replace the need for Term 1 and 3 reports. Students in Years 7 – 11 will receive a written report for Semester 1 and Semester 2, in line with the Department for Education requirements. Students in Year 12 will receive a Semester 1 and Term 3 report, before receiving their final SACE (South Australian Certificate of Education) results in Term 4.

How can I access assessment information?

Parents can now access continuous assessment information in Daymap, via the Assessment tab, including a summary of results, current assessment tasks and due dates, and a schedule of tasks across all subjects.

End of semester reports will continue to be published via Daymap. Families are also encouraged to engage with our upcoming Parent-Student-Teacher Conversations for more detailed feedback.

We trust that our new approach to assessment and reporting will add value for students and families.

Kind regards,

Tony Lunniss, Principal and Kimberley McLean, Deputy Principal

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