2024 Wellbeing and Engagement Collection (WEC)

News & Events 3/05/2024

Students across Years 4 to 12 across the state are invited to participate in the annual Wellbeing and Engagement Collection survey. This survey is conducted by the Department for Education and will be open in Weeks 2 – 5 of Term 2. 

What is the purpose of the WEC Survey? 

Young people’s wellbeing is an important part of how they learn at school. The survey provides us with insights and information about students’ views of their wellbeing, engagement and academic achievement within school. The survey is not a test and there is no ‘right or wrong’ answer. The information collected will help the school, education system and broader community to support young people’s health and wellbeing. 

At Brighton Secondary School, one of our school priorities focusses on improving students’ connectedness and engagement in the classroom and school community. The Wellbeing and Engagement Collection is an important measure of our progress and will inform areas for further improvement. 

How will students complete the WEC survey?   

  • Students will complete the WEC survey during Home Group 
  • Senior School – Wednesday Week 3 (15 of May) 
  • Middle School – Wednesday Week 4 (22 of May) 
  • Catch up during Home Group after the initial window and across Week 5 
  • Students will use their own device to complete the WEC survey 
  • The survey will take approximately 25-45 minutes   

If you do not want your young person to participate in the WEC survey, please email through their First and Last Name, Home Group and Year Level to Amber Mullins Amber.Mullins85@schools.sa.edu.au by COB Monday 6 May.  

What will happen if a student is distressed during or after the survey? 

The WEC survey includes some questions on topics such as student happiness and bullying. As such, Home Group teachers will inform students that: 

  • It is not compulsory to participate in the survey, and are free to withdraw at any time 
  • If they find any questions uncomfortable or distressing, they should stop the WEC survey immediately 
  • Students can skip individual survey questions if they wish 
  • Students will be encouraged to seek support from a Wellbeing Leader if they would like any support 

Will students’ information be kept confidential?   

The survey is anonymous and confidential. Students’ personal information and identity will remain anonymous. Survey responses are confidential, and no one (including school staff) can use the results to identify individual students.   

Where can I get more information? 

More information about the Wellbeing and Engagement Collection can be found at www.education.sa.gov.au (search: WEC). For questions or concerns, or to view the questions, please email Education.WECSA@sa.gov.au 

For information regarding the implementation of the survey at Brighton Secondary School, please contact Jessica Brodzicki Acting Senior Leader: School Climate & Values at the school on 8375 8200 or via email jessica.norman530@schools.sa.edu.au. 


Jess Brodzicki

Acting Senior Leader: School Climate & Values

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